Dr. Howard Schubiner MD, director of the Body Providence Hospital, Southfield Michigan, USA. He is also a clinical professor of Michigan State University College of Human Medicine shares his personal story with chronic pain and how he healed himself with talking to his brain
She lived 3 decades with chronich pain, back pain and fibromyalgia and exhausted every natural modality be it naturapths, accupuncture, supplements and diet changes. only in 2018 she realized that the intensity of the pains increased in each July, Since sad events in her past happened in July she made the conection between sadness and pains. This was the start of her healing Journey. Ann Miller who used to have so many pains is symptom free now and she can crawl and paly on the floor with her grand children. how did she do it?
Sometimes the way out of longstanding pains shows after decades. This was the case of Ray who found release from most of his chronic pains after he let go of his fears and learned that all the diagnoses he got were just TMS related to emotions. In his eighties, he still experience occasional pains but as he testifies 90% of his stubborn pains vanished.
He suffered of unbelievable pains caused by so many ailments such as fibromyalgia, RA, dupuytren, gout and more. one mineral which he calls the master mineral for bone health- changed the course of his life.
read the inspiring story of Jeanni Kulwin from LA. after 14 years of chronic pain, digestive issues, insomina, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, she herself healed from within. here is how she healed after a big shot doctor told her she'll always have pain because she has small muscles... what is her take on the healing process and what can you learn from her experience.
how he healed a chronic pain that lasted 30 years?
Dan buglio cured himslef of 13 years lasting back pain, sciatica and spasms. PT and trying to balance the tonus of the body with streching did not help. A book he ready changed his life completely. how did he heal himself?