Buteyko method

Most people assume faster, heavier, shallower breathing gives us more oxygen, but hyperventilation (over-breathing) as a habit is a major health problem. Once that becomes ‘normal’, the body stays tense, with less oxygen reaching where it’s needed, the whole system tends to be more acidic, and depending on a person’s genes can cause havoc with a range of immune system responses. For asthmatics the airways narrow as a protection mechanism. One thing triggers the next. 

The basics of Optimal Breathing

Thankfully learning truly healthy breathing as a HABIT settles things down naturally, reversing symptoms, significantly improving health, calm and energy! The basics of Optimal Breathing involves small changes so the body naturally gets used to: - Using mainly the belly muscles to breathe gently, (expanding as you breathe in, bringing the muscles gently back towards the spine as you breathe out) bringing air easily into the lower part of the lungs. That’s where you have best oxygen uptake, with least work. The bonus is you give your digestion a soft, steady massage. - Breathing through your nose, keeping your mouth closed unless speaking etc. Air gets filtered, oxygen uptake increases, and the airways actually stay open more easily and produce less mucous, the big win for people dealing with asthma, sinusitis etc. - Resting for a moment after the out-breath, which switches on the relaxation response. - Only breathing as much as you need for what you’re doing.

Buteyko Breathing clinical trials

You’d be amazed how little healthy people naturally breathe when they run. There have been numerous Buteyko Breathing clinical trials over the years. The results are consistently powerful. About 90% of those with asthma and COPD who followed the programme had a massive reduction in symptoms and medication needs, and it lasted. It also got measurable improvements in healing and longevity for people with immune system disorders and cancer of various kinds and levels.

create better breathing habits

It’s effective, but the original Russian format can be a bit challenging to learn so I’ve integrated some of the skills I’d trained in to an advanced level over the years (hypnosis, NLP, Reiki, EFT) to create a more comfortable way to learn how to breathe with ease. As a result the process as I teach it is usually quicker and easier than the original approach. I’ve helped many thousands of people over the years either in my person, through the health professionals I’ve trained, as well as globally via interactive video calls, plus reached a few million on tv demonstrating the basic exercises that make Optimal Breathing an easy way to create better habits.


Here is a link to 10 gentle, practical half hour videos from a challenge I ran last year https://www.facebook.com/groups/breathewithease/learning_content To get in touch, please contact https://www.jentiller.co.uk/

Jen Tiller