The power of prayers
Every word we speak has power. Every word, when spoken, creates vibrational energy. Every sound, every letter creates this unseen energy. When we say words, sentences in a prayer, we create Vibrational energy. This energy, you can feel it in a room full of people praying together for instance.
Prayers travel through the universe
prayer is a way to shift
I believe in the power of prayers. When we pour out prayers with our mouth, mind and soul, and send them to the Universe, the universe hears them and it creates vibrational energy all around us. There is an energy field that is created. I often think of this field as a long vessel, a long rope that connects the top of my head to the Heavens and this vessel is filled with an energetic bright light. When I pray for others, I visualize this current of healing energy traveling through space, reaching the Creator and then reaching the recipient of my prayers. Prayers, combined with the power of faith and positive thinking, can create miracles and can create healing.
a way of cultivating and articulating our will
When praying, it is so important to engage yourself in imagination and willpower. The thought, coupled with Will, is the beginning of a new reality. This will becomes a spark of the Divine Will. Prayer is a way of cultivating and articulating our will and connecting it to the Source of all will. If I am saying I want help in being healed, and I acknowledge the Source of All is the source of divine healing, and I connect to that source, I actually channel healing into myself and into the world.
prayers which are made of words
words which are made of letters, letters which have a certain frequency of sound when spoken, have been a major component in my recovery. Praying before the surgery was very important for me. Prayers are a form of affirmations that vibrate into the heart. And this heart, filled with these affirmations, tell our mind and soul that we will be all right; that everything will be ok; that the surgery will go well; that there won’t be any complications. Prayer trains the mind to think of the outcome as a positive outcome. Prayer gives hope, encouragement and a future. You can never be lacking in prayer. Prayers said for me to find the cause of my pain, for me to find treatment, for me to find a good surgeon, for me to have faith and perseverance in doing physical therapy, for me to believe in myself. Prayers are an energy force, your life force. I like to include prayers in my life as it connects me to my Creator, and also they ground me and help me to go through life’s challenges.
Prayers are powerful! And you can never pray enough. Prayers are a vehicle for self transformation. They allow us to cultivate our own willpower. They allow us to establish a direct connection with the Divine in us. Prayers allow us to change ourselves and to become capable of receiving what has been waiting for us all along.
pray is a way to shift
It is important to be aware that our perception of something can change dramatically when our perspective changes and prayers allow us to do just that: to get a new perspective. I was so depressed at a time in my life after the accident, I saw no way out until I started getting inward of myself, until I reached out and connected to the Divine in me. I had to let my heart speak. I had to humble myself and cry out to It, to the Source of my Being, to God. Then, the more I prayed, the more I formulated words with my mouth, words that contained the following message: I want to be loved, to be cared for, to be delivered and freed from the pain and suffering I was in. And the most unexpected thing happened over time. During my prayers, I imagined and desired my being to be well again, to be healed, to be whole, to run again, to dance again, to ride a bicycle again, not to be depressed, not be insecure, sad, helpless. Prayers allowed me to see myself in the future as a vibrant, energetic, happy, whole, healed human Yaffa.
a way of cultivating and articulating our will
When praying, it is so important to engage yourself in imagination and willpower. The thought, coupled with Will, is the beginning of a new reality. This will becomes a spark of the Divine Will. Prayer is a way of cultivating and articulating our will and connecting it to the Source of all will. If I am saying I want help in being healed, and I acknowledge the Source of All is the source of divine healing, and I connect to that source, I actually channel healing into myself and into the world.
Invest in prayers
If prayer is a Conduit for the power of the Endless One, then cultivate your Will through prayer. Invest in prayers, because prayers take your spiritual journey straight up the ladder. Recognize the divinity that is in you, that has been invested in you, and that has been entrusted to you.
Before you pray, know what you want, your desires, dreams, what are you seeking out of life? Make your petitions known, out loud or in silence. Go to a quiet place, your quiet place, and sit with yourself. Go into the nature, go into the silence and sit with yourself for a while. Create total emptiness in yourself and commune with nature. This is where you find the divine in you, that special place that connects you to the Source of all. It is in the stillness of silence that you hear Its voice. And when you do so and connect with the divine, express your thanks, bathe in gratitude. You can never be void of things to be grateful for. Give thanks for all the little things and the bigger ones that you can think of. Think of the times in your life where you had a breakthrough when you least expected it. Rest in your gratitude state for a while. After that, make your petitions known. Speak of all your heart desires. Talk to the Source with the confidence that it is your best friend, your confident, your guide, your counselor, your healer. And after that, give your thanks again for already receiving your heart desires, your healing. And then surrender all to the Source, feeling happy, blessed, and bless the Source, the Divine, the Almighty in you. When we bless ourselves, and others, we summon forth more of the Divine Light into ourselves and the world.
In order for the Source, the Creator, the Divine to give us Endless Light, Love, Peace, Freedom, Holiness, and the I or Consciousness, we have to be hungry for it. So, prayer is critical. Prayer reminds us to reconsider everyday what it is that we really and truly want in life. It brings a light of clarity into our lives and into the world.
Through prayers and going inward myself, I realize that through my soul journey, through my healing journey, the struggles and challenges in my life were there in order for my Being, my Soul, to clarify what it is that really matters to me, what it is I truly want for my life. Through prayers and connection to the divine that resides in me, I realize that sometimes, our life’s circumstances are there to help us figure out what is great and what is inconsequential, what we think we want and what we truly need.
And what we need is to master the art of prayer. We need to learn to attune our will to the Will of will, with all our heart and soul. Because the Light we receive, the Endless Light and enlightenment of our soul is not just for ourselves but for the whole world. We can receive this light only when we are willing to share it.
When we surrender everything to the Source that is greater than ourselves, we become humble. It is in this state of Humility that we receive. And because we are humble, we cannot be selfish and therefore, we want to give to others the Light we receive because we are in awe of the Source, the Divine.
In order to heal, we need to be in a state of Receivership. We need to feel deserving of healing, of a breakthrough, without a thread of doubt. How do you get in that state of receivership? By simply surrendering your Will to the Will of will, let go of the old, let go of all the emotions that don’t serve you and live by Divine attributes. Let go of who you think you are. Let go of all the identities you occupied in life. Then, redefine yourself, live simply, live free from worry, give much, expect little, love a lot, spread kindness, compassion, generosity. And remember, it all start with yourself. It is when you look at yourself with love and compassion that you find acceptance and healing. Accepting oneself among pain, suffering, loss, divorce, any grief, is the key to start healing. You cannot heal from a place of non acceptance of yourself. So you need to practice self love, self compassion. When you make the choice to love yourself, you then make to choice to love others. When you make the choice for self compassion, you extend self compassion to others. And what happens is that your heart is so filled with an abundance, an ocean of Love, that you want to give it out to the world. Love in the heart cannot contain itself and spreads into rivers of blessing to others and the world.
by yaffa finlet