NMT, No moisture treatment

No moisturizing treatment (NMT) was founded by Dr kenji sato while looking after his TSW (topical steroid withdrawal) inpatients at Hannan Chuo Hospital.

His theory is that skin affected by TSW needs to dry out, and reducing the moisture supplied will speed the process. While this method is EXTREME, is it done so.under his supervision In hospital. As for what I did. I completely stopped all forms of any moisturizing, no creams, no lotions. Nothing goes on the skin. his patients shower very briefly once a week for under a minute. they allow the skin to dry up and and form scabs.

by doing this, the skin underneath starts to heal, become stronger. This might be very unpleasant as it would restrict limbs and movement like a dryed snake. the skin may pull together trying to heal. With this come uncontrollable itch scratching off the scabs and skin. However,  know that  the newer skin underneath is getting stronger.